Into my 42nd hour of caffeine withdrawal. Decided to go into detox for a while as the semester winds down. Might buckle as deadline for big paper approaches, and will definitely need it for marathon 12-hour recording session this Saturday, but for now, I'm off it. Except for the Diet Coke I had at lunch, which doesn't really count.
As I said, the concert went well. We had some issues with our sound techinician, who definitely woke up on the wrong side of bed, but otherwise, all ran as planned. Getting that over with was HUGE. The whole gang ended up in (Cosmic) Cantina afterward, where we sat out in the freezing cold and champed on nachos and got mildly intoxicated on Bud Lites.
Had a nice, unstressful Palm Sunday that included lots of temple smoothing and an extended nap.
Which brings us to 9 more days of school, time enough to tap into the Tao, restore my equilibrium, Zen, whatever, and get into the right frame of mind for the summer. Boo-yah. Time to leave this place.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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