I was tempted to say just put up here that "this blog is on official hiatus until Apr 25th" but decided not to. I hate information blackouts as much as the next person.
Shocking language? Where?
Finished my pharmacology final. Yay, no more pharmacology!
There's nothing to say any more that isn't trite or depressing or repetitive. Isn't this what all blogs slip into after a while, despite all ones lofty intentions? It's a good thing I didn't have any lofty intentions. Now I have an excuse for slipping into the netherland of one sentence paragraphs and meaningless sound bytes.
Language just doesn't do it. I could write ten words or ten thousand and no one would be any closer to realizing what it's like to be me. Writing is like a puppet show. It's our attempt to manipulate life through the medium of words. The problem with this? Puppet shows are entertaining, but what do they tell you about the puppeteer?
I feel so silly writing here. Maybe I should just end this and go back to the e-mails. The only thing going for this blog is that somehow I'm more disciplined writing in here than I am writing e-mail. Plus, I hate e-mail. I must get 60 e-mails a day. It's an ever-growing headache.
I have more things to say. I wanted to talk about a discussion that's going on across the singapore@duke mailing list. I wanted to talk about SARS again, but I can't be bothered now. Some other time.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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