Wednesday, December 31, 2008
last night on the train i was reading about the voluntary human extinction movement, an organisation whose members believe that "the hopeful alternative to the extinction of millions of species of plants and animals is the voluntary extinction of one". the notion is refreshing -- psychology is almost by definition a tediously anthropocentric discipline, and i think it's good for me once in a while to forget the ways in which humans are special and meditate on the many other ways in which we are not. i always think that p.d. james got it wrong in children of men: that the prospect of human extinction, voluntary or otherwise, will not ultimately be terrifying, but after a short while will be humbling, and finally, liberating. not having to think about legacy or posterity seems to me one of the best ways to live in the now, a path to contentment all to easy to stray from.
anyway, make nice plans for 2009, but not too many of them. i'm going out now to get wasted. happy new year!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
with the brother arriving in two days to start school here, the next big change to our uber-complicated family situation is here. the other housemate's lease doesn't run out till september, but it looks like we might be living together for the first extended period of time since forever come fall. it seems strange to even have to make an issue about this, but mine is a strange life.*
it's prompted other thoughts. i have known this for a while, but now, this winter is the first time i've felt, deeply, that things are truly never going to be the same again, that ever more i'm going to have that shao xiao li jia lao da hui sensation when i go back to singapore. everything seems a very long time ago, receding fast. i guess at the same time, though, i'm less afraid of the consequences once it does happen; once you're out of the gravitational field of normalcy and others' expectations, you're free to float as far into outer space as you care to go. i need more waterwheels and train rides through europe in my life. can i graduate yet?Wednesday, December 03, 2008
more fun in the old days
At 168 hours [of sleep deprivation] one of the subjects (R.S.) experienced frightening visual hallucinations while in the darkened psychophysiology laboratory. He screamed in terror, pulled his electrodes off, and fell to the floor sobbing and muttering incoherently about a gorilla. He was conforted and reassured by one of the investigators and questioned in detail about the experience. In essence, his hallucination had recapitulated night terrors, which he had had repeatedly as a small bpy. During the next psychophysiological test period he began to experience the same hallucinations and bolted from the subject room. Thereafter he proudly reported that he had "licked" his problem.
Monday, December 01, 2008
ugly pink exterior, lots of electronically-operated doors sliding slowly open and shut, each door with its own big orange sign: HOLDING CELL 12, SALLYPORT 2. long, wide, strange-smelling corridors. also, according to the sergeant who accompanied us, lots of technology that doesn't work -- id tags that don't scan, a fancy drug detector on the fritz -- and a registrar's office that would be right at home in, oh, 1978; filing cabinets wall to wall and not a PC in sight. this was the stuff we actually got to see; i shudder to think of the disorganization that lies beneath. fortunately, my cynicism re: such affairs peaked circa 1999, and these things neither surprise nor disturb me any more. we released someone early and they went out and murdered you? oops!
we got to speak with a group of a dozen or so of the inmates who were part of a drug treatment program (it was never clear to me what precisely any of them were serving time for, and none of us found it appropriate to ask. is there prison etiquette? someone needs to write a book on this.) most of the answers they gave us were of the for-the-bible-(or-in-this-case-my-parole-officer)-tells-me-so variety, but then again, what can either side offer in a situation like that but platitudes? incarceration is just one small part of a system that shits on you if you're one of any number of things -- poor, uneducated, black -- but that's not a card anyone at the table was willing to play.
did i feel sorry for them? wholeheartedly yes. i've blogged at some length about neuroethics and the law; in summary, i'm in full agreement that punishment should be utilitarian but not retributive since broken mind = broken brain. what this means, sadly, is that no one really deserves to be in jail, they just need to be. and, to complete the argument, the real tragedy is not the steady, inexorable influx of people into the prisons, but the fact that as humans ourselves we can, and must, think of these people as individuals instead of statistics.
i know this is a rather strange way to think -- let me end on a less confusing (though just as depressing) note. the drug "treatment" program that these folks were in seemed to hang almost entirely on the premise that if one changes ones mind, and has sufficient willpower, life will get better. this is the perfect recipe for recidivism, and entirely out of whack with what we've learned from psychotherapy research over the past 50-or-so years. if you're an alcoholic or a crackhead, willpower just isn't enough; what you get instead is guilt and self-blame when the "changing-ones-mind" deal doesn't pan out. and as wonderful as the social workers and the platitudes are, one could not help leaving the place more than a bit despondent, with the sense that things are as they were in the beginning, and that they forever shall be, in saecula saeculorum.
Friday, November 28, 2008
outstanding questions
* what do you do with eight million pounds of leftover turkey?
* i would like to see equus...anyone else want to go?
* is it an absolutely terrible thing to put red wine in pancake batter? it sounds prety awful to me.
* bruce campbell: awesome or so last week?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
the other housemate has gone back to ohio, which means i don't have to put up with football on the big tv all the time. yay!*
have invested in a meat thermometer. i suspect that this is somewhat akin to buying beauty cream -- same outcome, reassurance that you did "everything you could". the bird sits in my fridge, thawing, and gives me small panic attacks every time i go to get a glass of water. no dinner rolls.*
von messages me today to tell me, airily and nonchalantly, that he is hosting dinner for 23, and criticizes my menu choices for being "traditional" and "white". isn't that exactly the point? we flee from past oppression by being able to coolly and unironically do the very things that most typify those who have oppressed us. also, i really fraking like cranberry sauce, ok?Monday, November 24, 2008
thanksgiving d-3
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
there was the newness of becoming a third-year student, and having to give real therapy, and the historic election, but now that things have settled down i find that i'm a slow grinding war of attrition with my work, at one of those points where all past accomplishments seem futile and the future rises like an escarpment, the summit out of sight. i need to come up with one more good project, and soon, before the money runs dry, but i have no idea what to do -- i'm a little sick of imaging, the bigger questions i have are still intractable, and doing something unrelated to sleep at this point is probably tantamount to career suicide. i feel like i need a week or two off to just stop, and think, and halt the slow descent into panic.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
still waiting
And it was at that age...Poetry arrived
in search of me. I don't know, I don't know where
it came from, from winter or a river.
I don't know how or when,
no, they were not voices, they were not
words, nor silence,
but from a street I was summoned,
from the branches of night,
abruptly from the others,
among violent fires
or returning alone,
there I was without a face
and it touched me.
~~ Pablo Neruda
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
in other news, batman RIP + the movie franchise have made me decide to start buying comics by the issue again, so well done grant morrison and christopher nolan.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
who would be a good robin in the 3rd batman, if, despite all of christian bale's protestations, there is one
joseph gordon-levitt: 7.5/10
ben barnes: 6.5/10
shia labouef: 0/10
zac efron: -∞/10
Thursday, October 23, 2008
what ends up happening, therefore, is an exercise where, as you're trying to help the client, you're simultaneously giving therapy to yourself, trying to superimpose a framework of cold reason over the emotional chaos. the reality, hard to believe, is this: the client believes you're a real psychologist, which in itself is a huge effector of change; everyone thinks they've said stupid things on tape, and sometimes you actually have, but it's not a big deal; everyone is afraid that they look like an idiot without thinking anyone else in the practicum actually is one. and training in therapy is just that: saying these things over and over again to yourself until you believe them, so that you can focus on the client instead of your panicky, useless thoughts. terror is incredibly unproductive. i hope i get over it soon.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
in other news, obama was at a rally yesterday not 7 blocks from where i live. i was tempted to go, but a phone call to the other housemate, who was there, convinced me that the nearest i could get to the stage would be about a block away.
i realize now that this isn't actually very exciting, and stop.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Monday, October 06, 2008
still not working on my quals
In order to be assigned an Erdős number, an author must co-write a mathematical paper with an author with a finite Erdős number. Paul Erdős is the one person having an Erdős number of zero. If the lowest Erdős number of a coauthor is k, then the author's Erdős number is k + 1.
although technically applicable only to mathematicians, the fact that natalie portman has one (apparently 7, not 9) makes me feel entitled to at least try calculating mine. the problem: unlike six degrees of kevin bacon, there is no convenient way of doing this. obviously, it goes me, the advisor, and from there probably to one of the two-process model papers he's collaborated on, those being the only vaguely math-y things he's done, but after that it's mist and fog.
in any case, the game can now be played with connecting me to famous psychologists through co-authored publications. people i'd like to try off the top of my head: miller, beck, rogers, lacan, zimbardo, james (??). i understand this is a bit of a cheat because i've published, like, nothing, but i'll count my upcoming neuroethics paper with martha and that will at least give me more than 2 launching points.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
anyway, you're bored by things like that, so let's write about something else. i have a new theory that practically anything tasty can be made even tastier by transforming it into a casserole. i tried reuben casserole for the first time last week, and much as i love reubens, reuben casserole = win. mexican torta casserole > mexican tortas. turkey, cranberry, sweet potato and stuffing casserole > thanksgiving dinner (i'm not even kidding). why? -- because casseroles are liberating. they're not weighed down by tradition. you can put all kinds of extra layers of tastiness into them and there are no purists to cry foul. also: everyone loves bubbling cheese.

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
I used to talk a lot with Dave myself about abstract things. I was pleased, when I first got to know him, to hear that he was a phillosopher, and I thought that he might tell me some important truths. But somehow we never seemed to get anywhere, andmost of our conversations consisted of my saying something and Dave's saying he didn't understand me and my saying it again and Dave's getting very impatient. It took me some time to realize that when Dave said he didn't understand, what he meant was that what I said was nonsense.
Dave does extramural work for the university, and collects about him many youths who have a part-time interest in truth. Dave's pupils adore him, but there is a permanent fight on between him and them. They aspire like sunflowers. They are all natural metaphysicians, or so Dave says in a tone of disgust. This seems to be a wonderful thing to be, but it inspires in Dave a passion of opposition. To Dave's pupils the world is a mystery; a mystery to which it should be reasonably possible to discover a key. They key would be something of the sort that could be contained in a book of some eight hundred pages. To find the key would not necessarily be a simple matter, but Dave's pupils felt sure that the dedication of between four and ten hours a week, excluding university vacations, should suffice to find it. They do not conceive that the matter should be either more simple or more complex than that.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
instead of reading about meta-analysis
A limerick fan from Australia
Regarded his work as a failure:
His verses were fine
until the fourth line
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
lamarck all over again
(speaking of space, you can read about gliese 581 for your nerd info of the day).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
otherwise, the semester has been slow in picking up speed -- not having to teach and take 3 classes has made a huge difference in my weekly schedule, and i'm still adjusting to the fact that i have much more time now to do work i should be doing rather than work i have to be doing. discipline is the watchword. must knuckle down and start work on quals.
Monday, September 08, 2008
a poor beginning
Saturday, September 06, 2008
more interesting than heat death

so against my better judgment, i've decided to buy spore. hell, it's early in the semester, and it's been a while since my last cycle of indulgence and regret. in case you've been chained up in your basement for the last few years, spore is sim everything, the last in the logical chain of god games, and supposedly faithful to the principles of evolutionary biology. you start off manipulating unicellular organisms, then creatures, then civilizations, then colonize space and control everything. pretty neat.
the brother and i were discussing a few weeks ago, well, where does will wright go from here? and the answer we came up with was this: Sim Sim, a game about programmers of god games, where you control your own maxis-like company, provide facilities, income, have "inspiration" points, market your games, and so forth. ultimately, you aim to grow the company to the stage where its employees create their own version of Sim Sim within the game, thus setting you down the road of infinite recursion. then of course, you could make Sim Sim Sim, in which you control a character who purchases and begins playing Sim Sim, at which point you might walk in on yourself playing the game in the game, thus creating a sort of grandfather paradox, and perhaps destroying the entire fabric of space-time in the process.
anyway. if you've got it as well, share your creatures with me.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
tokyo pictures (iv)

edo-tokyo museum

tsukiji fish market was closed for the summer holiday, which was one of the few sad things about the trip. we had a lot of great sushi anyway, so there was that.

and finally, hachiko the dog statue
Sunday, August 31, 2008
i've never been to vegas, but this is supposed to be close. what to say about AC that's original? not too much. think neil gaiman or michael chabon writing about quintessential america and you pretty much have the idea: gaudiness glorified, the only thing too loud is silence etc. the housemate unembarrassedly brought his camera and took shots from the roof of caesar's hotel, a bit much even for me. i finally got to see the real boardwalk and park place and all the rest of them, which was strangely cool. i'll never outgrow geekhood.
dinner: all-you-can-eat, of course; we all took turns insisting that it was part of the definitive supererogatory experience until we realised that no one was actually dissenting. closed our eyes and picked one of the 29 places that had proclaimed themselves the best buffet in town, and the housemate had dessert first, and alyson picked at things, and i had too much mashed potato. buffets make me so ill, but i can't stop going to them. i want to go to vegas right now and gain 20 pounds.
casinos. i always tell myself that i'm never one for gambling, not a risk-taker etc. and then find out that i am. surprised anew. or at least -- that i enjoy it, different perhaps from actually wanting to take risks, hedonic value vs rational desire. the tables have $10 minimums, which for a grad student = "would you like some ramen with your ramen? for the next 8 years?", but we sit down anyway and ss bleeds away $100 and then we go and play video poker, and i try and do a lot of sums in my head and fail. there is plenty of winning and losing and at one point a slot machine mysteriously gives me a lot of money for no particularly good reason, but at the end of the night, i think we're pretty much down, except that we've had lots of free white russians.
and to end on a super-geeky note: go read about the kelly criterion, and be a little more educated.
Friday, August 29, 2008
cultural prostitution
oh wait, i'm not going to watch it. well, that solves that problem.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
tokyo pictures (iii)

for neuroimage
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
new treadmills
semester the fifth
we're getting to the stage where what i'm doing resembles what a phd student is actually supposed to do -- what we're not supposed to do is freak out over admin and write papers about things so far out of our field that even a cross-eyed umpire would call it and drink five cups of coffee so that we can work into the early hours of the morning deciphering the illegible handwriting of our kids.
to accomplish: a paper off for review within the next 2 weeks, enough work on a chapter to get second-author billing, try to make my patients happier, or at least not so sad, and get going on the meta-analysis i want to do for my quals. or at least 3 out of 4 of those. or 2.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
tokyo pictures (ii)

gonpachi (yakitori restaurant)

appetizer at gonpachi

giant gold parsnip

the mother, looking at snacks

probably the most dog soft toys you'll every see in one place (also my current wallpaper)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
tokyo pictures (i)

this is the map we consulted when hopelessly lost on our first day there (looking for our ryokan). i still don't know what the cat represents.

maybe him


a supposedly traditional japanese garden, less well-tended than one might expect.

non-traditional garden

meiji jingu shrine. was a bit underwhelmed by the shrine, possibly because i was v hot and not in right (reverential) mood
Friday, August 22, 2008
bloody americans
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
three of the five people who used to occupy my office are now gone, and only one new person has come in -- this gives me a huge luxury of space, as well as a sense of deep loneliness during working hours. jared is forever off at the hospital or in some mysterious quarter hammering away at his dissertation, which leaves me and the strange new guy who always seems to be doing something on his iphone (how many functions does that thing have?) -- he has not spoken two words to me in the last three days despite my friendly overtures.
i guess it's a big contrast from the ex-lab as well, which was all gregariousness and happy lunches; in the lab here people are old and serious and sad, which i shall have to accustom myself to again. more hanging out with the grad students i guess -- if anyone is reading this, tropic thunder on saturday?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
There will, eventually, be lots of pictures, because those tell the story far better, and frankly I'm too overwhelmed by life to write anything of substance.
I managed to steal a few days of actual vacation from my vacationless summer to go with the mother to Tokyo. For the longest time, I had been feeling embarrassed about the fact that I’d transited through Narita Airport more times than I could remember without ever actually stepping on Japanese soil, and this seemed a fine chance to remedy that.
The experience was, as one may expect, exhausting, but in an entirely good way, a lot of tearing around and navigating the byzantine subway system in order to take in everything we possibly could. What won me over: the people (sort of), the sights (yep), the food (definitely), but above all, the fact that the place was culturally honest, the polar opposite of Tijuana, like what you would expect japan to be, but unostentatious and real. Also: I've never seen so much manga in my life. If only I could read it.
Photos to follow.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
the summer's gone, i have my data, i've eaten way too much for my own good, and it's time to return. every new year that starts in grad school brings a little more assurance and a lot more fear, the fear because: i have less and less excuse for not being competent, i need more and more desperately to produce good work, and the time is fast approaching when i need to figure out what happens After.
for now: i'm awfully glad i pulled off this stunt -- 24 subjects in 2 months is no mean feat, and to be able to hang out with old friends afterward was just as special.
ok. back to the old snark.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
speakee english
the brother: so what does quanto e bella translate to? "when is the girl?"
me: that's a bit metaphysical.
the other brother: "how much is the girl?"
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
due to a gag order, i'm forbidden to provide specific details of what i was doing across the causeway; i will, however, post the requisite picture of me in front of the petronas towers, and say that it is much more impressive in real life than in the movies.
also, there were root beer floats, and random people speaking pig latin.

Thursday, June 05, 2008
met minz for lunch. two lunches actually: i was ravenous and her tiny fish burger left a lot to be desired, so we went scampering off to satisfy prata cravings immediately afterward. i am warned that once we become almost-colleagues this may be a regular occurrence (first-lunch, not second), and that i have to be socialized so as to treat her in a proper gentlemanly way (snerk). on the one hand, the tenor of our relationship has long been established, and it would be a shame to change that. on the other, she did present me with a set of coasters with quotations about coffee on them, one of them being:
Many people claim coffee inspires them, but, as everybody knows, coffee only makes boring people even more boring. ~~Balzac
which is awesome, and earns maybe 2.5 days of gentlemanliness. i shall keep a running tally.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
fs tells me i'm not to remind him that this place exists, but it's going to be hard pretending i'm in nicaragua.
i'm back. i managed to get on one of the northwest planes without the small individual video screens, and the sound stopped working on the common screen halfway through the bucket list. does morgan freeman die in the end?
will be in malaysia over the weekend.
Monday, June 02, 2008
If you hate the taste of wine
Why do you drink it until you’re blind?
And if you swear that there’s no truth and who cares
How come you say it like you’re right?
Why are you scared to dream of God
When it’s salvation that you want?
You see stars that clear have been dead for years
But the idea just lives on
In our wheels that roll around
As we move over the ground
And all day it seems
we’ve been in between the past and future town
We are nowhere, and it’s now
We are nowhere, and it’s now
You took a ten-minute dream in the passenger seat
While the world it was flying by
I haven’t been gone very long
But it feels like a lifetime
I’ve been sleeping so strange at night
Side effects they don’t advertise
I’ve been sleeping so strange
With a head full of pesticide
I got no plans and too much time
I feel too restless to unwind
I’m always lost in thought
As I walk a block to my favorite neon sign
Where the waitress looks concerned
But she never says a word
Just turns the jukebox on
And we hum along
And I smile back at her
And my friend comes after work
When the features start to blur
She says these bars are filled with things that kill
And you probably should have learned
Did you forget that yellow bird?
How could you forget that yellow bird?
She took a small silver wreath and pinned it onto me
She said this one will bring you love
I don’t know if it’s true but I keep it for good luck
(bright eyes: we are nowhere and it's now)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
memorial day

alyson, steven, nuwan and eranda

(weird)nick, eranda, alyson

grace and waldo
morning glory
the after-conference was great -- drinks at la terrasse, apparently known to all but me as LT, thus reestablishing one of the more peculiar motifs in my life. dr. sb got a bit tipsy and started bitching about lab members present and gone. our lab has a very unusual history -- our PI used to be the famous martin orne, who did a lot of the pioneering (and highly controversial) research on hypnosis and false memory. events in the 70s and 80s leading eventually to the advisor's takeover apparently involve deceit and betrayal worthy of the great soap operas, but all that history is highly secret, and guarded closely by mysterious elderly people in our lab who are still on the payroll even though they don't do any work. it's all highly thrilling, and every once in a while i get a small tidbit, which i squirrel away in memory for the day i publish my shocking expose. incid: someone should print out this entry so that if i'm found dead in a gutter somewhere one of these days justice can be sought.
we had more beer. R(s)ODPFBSE appeared, then happy hour ended and we decided we would much rather drink jared's tequila than buy $6 beers. plus: he now has molds for making ice shot glasses, which are so awesome i almost feel i shouldn't be writing about them. the housemate ended up tagging along, and (weird)nick and laura and christian. and we stayed out till pretty late, and ended up outside the cvs singing irish songs at 2 in the morning and somehow not being killed.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
the unfortunate truth
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
(the media, as I'm sure you've guessed, has completely trivialized the findings, not to mention put up horrible and inaccurate brain pictures, but c'est la vie).
Monday, May 26, 2008
There are moments when I teeter on the edge of belief that nature cares. The occasion may be mundane. I may be raking leaves of a gray fall day, drinking a glass of wine with my wife, Suzie, on our deck at sunset, waiting with my son and daughter at the end of the driveway for the morning school bus to arrive. Gratitude wells up in me as a kind of yearning, as strong as hunger or sexual desire. I want to thank someone, something, for all that I have ...(Yet) a God who deserves thanks for my good fortune, I had to remind myself, also deserves blame for the misery of countless others. Thanking this God for all I have would be obscene. I would be saying, in effect, "Thank you, God, for not screwing me like you've screwed all those other poor bastards.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i think this is because there's something very powerful about sharing stories, and really, in the short time i've had with each client this year, that was one of the key things i had to get people to do. so i've listened to many raw, true stories, told by people who knew we were ethically bound to never pass them on, and being in that assessment room, listening to those narratives, not holding them in judgment, has been one of the most real things i've ever had to do, and i almost felt sometimes that i didn't want to taint them by writing them down, generating a report, diagnosing, arranging the clutter and mess into something organized and meaningful. that was my least favorite part of the job: interpreting. no, nothing compared to the moment, the struggling with words, the tears and the closeness. in my life so far, i don't think anything else has ever been quite so true.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
so han's in town now to see his brother graduate, and duke WH and i met him for dinner and drinks at nodding head and schubert's symphony in c major* at the kimmel center. he's hale and hearty and completely the same as he ever was; plus ca change, etc. i miss duke. penn's having its reunions now, and everything's red white and blue balloons and fight songs and hugs and misty eyes, and that's helping none at all.
* schubert was very turquoise, very controlled. it was christoph eschenbach's last concert here, and in true american hypocritical form, everyone stood and clapped for him for a million years even though they all hated him when he first arrived. another reason to be filled with self-doubt here; you never know when people truly think you're good, or if they're just filled with the occasion.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
grading: done
clinic: one more bloody report to write
research: more or less never-ending. having to worry about the the summer project i'm running in the ex-lab is wearing, and it doesn't help that there's no one else to worry with me about it. i need to stop, and do some reframing. i need to this is exciting, and not just intensely scary. i need to feel that, if nothing else, in a few weeks i'll be able to get prata, and hang out with people, and possibly get a little sleep.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
because this really is an archetype for this kind of story, it started me thinking, and contrasting it with all the research that says that really, the moral of such tales is not true. rich people don't have any more existential crises than poor people; there's no necessary correlation between wealth and the sort of shylock misery that's portrayed in these stories. and the same thing goes for people who go chasing rainbows and waterfalls and breaking themselves apart for the things they call dreams -- they don't necessarily end up happy; sometimes you get right back, coehlo-style (ugh) to where you began, and find that what you were chasing wasn't what you really wanted.
yet the rainbow-pursuing life is painted as the ideal, and i think that's because it's such a dominant narrative, so readily accessible in people's minds. it's not that the other stories are not there -- think sally in forrest gump, or emile hirsch in the recent (and wonderful) into the wild*, in which, yes, it is your prerogative to give away all your money and go live as an eremite in alaska, but most of the time when you do that you waste away and poison yourself on inedible berries.
but that's not the story that sticks with people; the two dominant narratives are citizen kane, and jeff bridges in lebowski: be rich and lose your soul, or be picaresque, and paint with all the colors of the wind, and really be true to yourself, and live a glorious, irresponsible life. which brings me to the point, and the issue that minz and i were discussing a couple of days ago, which is that just because we're doing what we want to do doesn't mean that our lives aren't fricking hard. happiness, self-actualization, both of those are unrelated to the daily grind, and (i painfully admit), doing "meaningful" work does not give you a leg up to achieve either of them. and i apologize if i have to say this a hundred different times in a hundred different ways on this blog, but this really is one of the very central things to me, and it helps me if you ponder it, and understand, and remember.
* please do yourself a favor and go see this movie if you haven't. if for no other reason than to see that emile hirsch can actually act, and that the person who persuaded him to do speed racer is truly trying to screw up his career. also, if you went to see speed racer, i don't want to know about it
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
They told me I have an autoimmune disease, like lupus or sarcoidosis.
That's what we're here to find out
You really as good as everyone seems to think you are?
You really as miserable as everyone seems to think you are?
I just want to do something that matters.
Nothing matters. We're all just cockroaches. Wildebeests dying in the riverbank. Nothing we do has any lasting meaning.
And you think I'm miserable?
If you're unhappy on the plane, jump out of it.
I want to, but I can't.
That's the problem with metaphors; they need interpretation. Jumping out of the plane is stupid.
But what if I'm not in a plane? What if I'm just in a place I don't want to be?
That's the other problem with metaphors...yes, what if you're actually in an ice-cream truck, and outside are candy and flowers and virgins? You're on a plane! We're all on planes. Life is dangerous and complicated and it's a long way down.
So you're afraid of change?
No, you're afraid to change. You'd rather imagine that you can escape instead of actually try, because if you fail then you've got nothing. So you'll give up the chance of something real so you can hold on to hope. Thing is, hope is for sissies.
i know it's terribly wrong that i take so many of my life lessons from tv and the movies, but can you really disagree when hugh laurie says something like that to you?
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
department of complaints and (slight) melancholy
2. today was the last day of classes. the semester on the whole has been unkind to me -- too much time spent doing utterly useless classwork, and grading exams, and being accosted by stupid-ass undergraduates. i've also come to accept that i'll probably never be steady and competent, and need to have a brilliant idea fairly soon if i want to have a career, or not starve.
3. also today: ben and jerry's free cone day. every other fellow in the line was a homeless person, which made me feel extremely depressed. not because homeless people disgust me or anything -- i'm rather fond of buying them sandwiches -- but because there something just totally antithetical to the spirit of free cone day about that happening.
4. once you start reading nutritional information, you pretty much can't eat anything.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Yesterday, when I was young,
The taste of life was sweet as rain upon my tongue,
I teased at life as if it were a foolish game,
The way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame
The thousand dreams I dreamed, the splendid things I planned,
I always built, alas, on weak and shifting sand,
I lived by night and shunned the naked light of day,
And only now I see how the years ran away
Yesterday, when I was young,
So many happy songs were waiting to be sung,
So many wild pleasures lay in store for me,
And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see
I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out,
I never stopped to think what life was all about,
And every conversation, I can now recall,
Concerned itself with me, and nothing else at all
Yesterday, the moon was blue,
And every crazy day brought something new to do,
I used my magic age as if it were a wand,
And never saw the waste and emptiness beyond
The game of love I played with arrogance and pride,
And every flame I lit too quickly, quickly died,
The friends I made all seemed somehow to drift away,
And only I am left, on stage to end the play
There are so many songs in me that won't be sung,
I feel the bitter taste of tears upon my tongue,
The time has come for me to pay,
For yesterday, when I was young
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Professor Tarantoga is of the opinion that people need two things. First, an answer to the question "Who is responsible?" and second, to the question "What is the secret?" The first answer should be brief, obvious, and unambiguous. As for the second, scientists have been annoying everyone for two hundred years with their superior knowledge. How nice to see them baffled by the Bermuda Triangle, flying saucers, and the emotions of plants, and how satisfying it is when a simple middle-aged woman of Paris can see the whole future while on that subject the professors are ignorant as spoons.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
dan dennett gave a talk in the evening on memes and cultural evolution -- he has taken richard dawkins famous idea and run with it, perhaps a little too far. in the very first place, i'm not sure i accept the strong form of human exceptionalism, and without that piece i just can't buy into cultural evolution superceding and overriding genetic evolution. i'm willing to be persuaded though -- i'm sure that von knows a lot more about the topic than i do, and perhaps we shall discuss the particulars some day soon.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

thomas managed to snag tickets for yesterday's taping of the colbert report in zellerbach -- it's the first time they've brought the show on the road, and they're here to cover the primaries (april 22nd) and be generally awesome. i wouldn't say that i was the world's hugest fan of stephen colbert before this, but i do love seeing the stuff that happens behind the scenes on tv shows, which explains the one time i suffered through the who wants to be a millionaire taping in singapore with fs, in which we try our damndest to provide the wrong answer every time they polled the audience (it failed.)
even with pre-ordered tickets, the line for admission began at 4 pm, which meant i had to invent an excuse to get out of class early. i normally would have no qualms about this, but our 2-5 class on mondays is ethics. you can go figure that one on your own. anyway, i chose to live with the guilt, and we joined the line, and ate big oversweet almond cookies, and enjoyed the spring sunshine. with the metal detectors and whatnot, it took about 2 hours to get inside. the circular daily show desk had come on the trip from new york, but everything else on the set was custom-made, including a colbert report kite, and a fake 18th-century escritoire complete with quill.
they had a not-very-funny comedian warm us up, and then after a million years stephen came out and answered a few questions while not in character ('have you had a cheesesteak yet?'). he's not altogether unlike his onscreen persona, just...less so? i think it's the voice that makes him. anyhow they started taping, and the first surprise was that the show is edited together pretty much on the spot -- WYSYWIG. he did a duet of the star-spangled banner with penn alum john legend before the cold open. michael nutter and chris matthews were guests, and it was let slip that both michelle obama and hillary were going to be on later in the week, which kind of sucks balls, since we had a choice of which day we wanted to go on. there was a lot of frantic rewriting during the breaks, and i fell even more in love with the job of tv writer, which is on the list of careers i'll pursue if i drop out of grad school (somewhere just after selling beach umbrellas in koh samui).
it was a pretty cool evening, something different from going home to read endless journal articles anyway. more like those, please?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
as i was explaining to norah the other day, you either get to complain about the amount of work you have or take four-day weekends, but not both. that's the ivy league sense of entitlement -- not that life shouldn't be hard, but that life should be easy yet have the facade of being hard so they can complain about it. it's the exact same deal with asians fighting the overachiever stereotype. i was watching better luck tomorrow* the other day; its protagonist is the top-scoring asian kid who makes the basketball team, experiments with coke and runs with a bunch of hooligans who go around scamming other rich californian kids. in other words: i have to attempt to wreck my life so that i can lament about how stereotypes have ruined me. i just have very little sympathy for that kind of thing, although i allow that it might be a part of adolescence, and try and muster up kindness towards its perpetrators in that way.
* despite the good reviews, i also thought it was a pretty terrible movie in general.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by inserting `(a)' before `Whoever'; and
(2) by adding at the end the following: `(b) As used in this section, the term `profane', used with respect to language, includes the words `shit', `piss', `fuck', `cunt', `asshole', and the phrases `cock sucker', `mother fucker', and `ass hole', compound use (including hyphenated compounds) of such words and phrases with each other or with other words or phrases, and other grammatical forms of such words and phrases (including verb, adjective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).'.
hysterical. i just love watching people getting their knickers in a twist over this stuff, mostly because it doesn't do an ounce of good anyway. (for the true dregs of what america has come up with, check out the parents television council.) plus, they don't get to watch dexter, which is the awesomeness, and in which the word 'fuck' is used in ways you would never have imagined.

- The Corgi of Mystery
- 1980: Born. 1989: Sudden affliction of self-awareness. Things downhill ever since.
My Blog List
Monday, December 19, 20168 years ago
the way around is through8 years ago
Goodbye, Flying Inkpot9 years ago
The Glorious Unfolding11 years ago
On Friendship (Part II)14 years ago
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Blog Archive
- so ends 2008. last night on the train i was readin...
- have decided that in order to be a single malt afi...
- the time since the brother arrived seems to have p...
- we did our mid-year patient clean out today, getti...
- the brother got in on wednesday night, flight dela...
- cp: i note with tears in my eyes that we will not ...
- i was on the treadmill on saturday when i got what...
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- as the culmination of the seminar i'm taking this ...
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- who would be a good robin in the 3rd batman, if, d...
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- the su-lin/minz/von gang have been badgering me fo...
- although my heart does go out to anyone who may ha...
- the other housemate is busily studying for his GRE...
- still not working on my quals
- i note, with some small measure of dismay, that no...
- thomas and i sat at home with beer on friday night...
- From Under the Net, Iris MurdochI used to talk a l...
- instead of reading about meta-analysis
- have decided that the second part of my qualifying...
- in one of the most alan ball-esque moments of my l...
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- had our first supervision for this year's clinical...
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- Atlantic City, NJi've never been to vegas, but thi...
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- semester the fifth
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- philadelphiathree of the five people who used to o...
- Tokyo, JapanThere will, eventually, be lots of pic...
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- while most of the food that delifrance sells is pr...
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- because computers do all the heavy lifting, data a...
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- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiadue to a gag order, i'm forb...
- started work in the ex-lab (no, for the last time,...
- sgfs tells me i'm not to remind him that this plac...
- i'll be out of here shortly, but first, a song tha...
- memorial day
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- there was a mini-conference at penn yesterday at w...
- the unfortunate truth
- the recent study that came out my lab(s) has been ...
- John Horgan:There are moments when I teeter on the...
- after watching iron man and the new indiana jones ...
- today
- i'm done with clinic hours for the year, and would...
- if you have several hours to kill (this is good fo...
- the last time i saw han, we were cooking dinner, a...
- the housemate successfully defended his master's t...
- classes: donegrading: doneclinic: one more bloody ...
- a plug for a new documentary by the other housemat...
- so i have, finally, watched citizen kane, and now ...
- from last night's house (4x14):EVANThey told me I ...
- made paella in commemoration of the mother being i...
- department of complaints and (slight) melancholy
- murderous rage
- (as roy clark sang)Yesterday, when I was young,The...
- Surprisingly poignant: One Sentence. On a similar ...
- smashing pumpkins
- oh cp can it be 10 years ago please
- Muppet Danny Boy
- From Peace On Earth, Stanislaw LemProfessor Tarant...
- primary
- i've developed what i think is called bruxism from...
- had my committee meeting in the morning, in which ...
- thomas managed to snag tickets for yesterday's tap...
- i have saved percy 3 long enough, and can take it ...
- with the semester winding down, the undergrads hav...
- we're having a rash of really good lecturers come ...