is anyone who reads in the habit of calling plaza singapura 'ps'? was definitely a little lost today when darryl asked to meet at said 2-letter destination; 'ps' to me has always been short for post script or playstation but never the mall, which is, was and always shall be plaza sing. moreover, i feel that no other building name has been reduced to mere letters in our lingo - certainly we pare the more unwieldy monikers down: forum, wisma, taka etc., but i don't think anyone would dream of shortening those to fg, wa or t.
anyway, that is not interesting. what is interesting is that snoopy's place, the cute cafe with horrid food, has been replaced by this haut monde (-ish) establishment called tuscan, which serves not tuscan food but an eclectic mix of french and mediterranean-type dishes. we were too late for lunch and too early for dinner, but were lured in anyway by teatime special which was dessert and coffee for $6.90. not five seconds after we entered did we realize that we were sole patrons for the afternoon, which meant a window seat overlooking the courtyard where giant plastic flowers were being planted in readiness for chinese new year.
we had the creme brulee and the molten chocolate cake. the first was excellent: light, not too sweet, and very substantial for the price. the cake, on the other hand, could have been richer and warmer: promised magma flows of molten chocolate were not forthcoming from within, and the whole affair was, i think, slightly overdone. other offerings were tiramisu, pastry selection and chocolate walnut cake, all of which sounded (and looked) worth a try.
i shall stop here in annoyance with my incapacity to describe food and say that i do think it's worth a visit before it either (a) vanishes into obscurity (b) closes down or (c) gets swamped by crowds. if anyone wishes to, as they say, ponteng, we could go next week before i begin my penance (i mean, work). or dinner is good too.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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