-- to blog what with reaching home bone tired every day long after sundown. in brief: dinner at the marina mandarin with gsk interviewers and candidates on saturday (good; everyone very welcoming and chummy despite most people having enough letters appended to the back of their names to make up a decent-sized alphabet), then pell mell to addy's for awfully chocolate cake and saunders and french. sunday: church, then out with yen and two of the british candidates i offered to get lunch with/show around. over-ordered at westlake and struggled mightily with trying to explain the concept of yu sheng to obviously-baffled company (me: all the ingredients have significance because chinese words can be pronounced the same way but mean different things. yen: like punes. me: yes, or plays on words.) then to the botanic gardens and the evolution path which featured signboards describing the various stages of plant phylogeny, signboards with such marvelous titles as "the flowering of the world". et cetera. today: sniffling most of the morning. cover letters bad enough to send me into conniptions. silent curses at boss for trying to correct my already-correct spelling. then, at 5:30, hurtling down the ecp at 150 km/h so as to be on time for gsk cruise on the cheng ho (minz, or anyone familiar with chinese history: was he the one with the yellow umbrellas?). taxi fare: $24.60. ouch. tried to make conversation with one of the panel members about schizophrenia except probably made huge fool of self for talking about pharmacological treatment of negative symptoms, which i suspect is not really done. got mildly seasick, correctly identified someone's west indian accent (mother from mauritius), misidentified kusu island and staggered home half-dead from exhaustion.
will try and get some reading in before bed.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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