i have one more seminar to take, which i will, grudgingly. no teaching, though, which is a blessed, glorious relief -- grading is just the devil, and not really as gratifying as you would imagine.
we're getting to the stage where what i'm doing resembles what a phd student is actually supposed to do -- what we're not supposed to do is freak out over admin and write papers about things so far out of our field that even a cross-eyed umpire would call it and drink five cups of coffee so that we can work into the early hours of the morning deciphering the illegible handwriting of our kids.
to accomplish: a paper off for review within the next 2 weeks, enough work on a chapter to get second-author billing, try to make my patients happier, or at least not so sad, and get going on the meta-analysis i want to do for my quals. or at least 3 out of 4 of those. or 2.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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