Monday, November 10, 2003

Sunday. Church with Kevin Bong and Clarence, another ex-RJ kid, then a walk with Von and his hallmates (led by Mike Sullivan) through the arboretum in the freezing cold.

Kevin gave me a ride back to the airport. Arrived back Durham at about 9:30. Got back to Duke at 11 (ish). Immediately started doing work (over pizza) till the early hours of the morning.

To sum up: Harvard = fantastic. Very glad I went.

Dr. Pelphrey put my name on a poster of our study while I was gone, despite the fact that I didn't do any work on it. I think he's really trying to give me things to put on my applications, which is nice.

Stuff. Lots of stuff. Info package on Bermuda arrived, which means another influx of administration to worry about.


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