Laid down three tracks in the recording studio last night till 12 before staggering to Verde's only to discover that they stop serving food at midnight. Proceeded, exhausted, to Torero's where there was partaking of fried peppers and ice cream and cheap wine that tasted first like cough syrup and then cleaning fluid as the night wore on. That was my second dinner: I had to get doggy bags and bail out of the first one because I was running late. This first one was in Bakus, the tapas bar I went to several months back. This time, though, my professor was paying (the one teaching the graduate seminar I'm in: she brought us all out as an end-of-term gesture), which made my early departure seem even more inappropriate.
Recording itself was a worse experience than in the past. Overdub Studios assigned us a new technician who clearly didn't know his stuff as well as the old guy, and it took us forever to get set up in between takes. We barely squeaked in everything we wanted to do in four hours, and ended up ruffled and in need of sustenance - both in solid and liquid form. Thus, Torero's.
And now, I sit in front of my computer waiting for inspiration to hit so I can finally be done with this last application. It has taken altogether too long for me to get it together, and all I want to do now is get a snack and then go to bed again, beautiful tornado-less weather outside notwithstanding.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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