Philadelphia has an a east-to-west continuum of safety that starts at Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell (arrested if you even think of the word bomb), and goes all the way down to 61st Street and beyond (personal firearms recommended). This is not as bad as it sounds -- at least it's an organised progression, unlike in certain cities where you may get caught in crossfire if you walk down a single wrong city block. Things start getting hairy around 47th, which is unfortunate because there is a fruit seller parked there who sells extraordinarily fresh produce at a dollar a bushel (figuratively). Also, at 50th is a very unique grocery store that has no (a) shelves, (b) organizing principles, (c) guarantee that they will have what you want at any given time, even if it happens to be peanut butter, or paper towels, or bread. They compensate for the fact by selling it all at about half the price you would pay at another grocer's. Long-term cost-benefit analysis may yet prove that it is worth the risk of assault to shop there.
On campus, a mere 2 miles away, everything costs the earth, except for coffee which is most considerately made free to grad students 24/7/52. Classes started today, and Melissa arrived in Stats clutching an $8 notebook she was forced to buy from the Penn Bookstore at the very last minute. Once again, the boy scouts win it all.
Stats is a Wharton class (OMG I'M GOING TO SINGAPORE). I suppose all roads to lead to Wharton at some point here, but this was rather soon. I was vaguely hoping that I could place out of the course, but this seems not to be an option at this point, unless I switch into Mathematical Statistics, which: I dohave my limits as well. So, first-year solidarity, etc., and at least I get a formal run-through of inferential stats, something the ex-boss never really bothered with, his policy being: do first, understand later. Taking the easier course also will probably free up some time for research and all the other junk I have to get done, so, yay for not killing myself 8 seconds after I got here.
#25 - Wireless hardware
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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