rained the whole of last night and the whole of today as ernesto met the cold front coming from the northwest. this was extremely insalubrious weather in which to be hauling heavy furniture about, but the thrift store three blocks west of me was having a blowout sale, and i absoultely had to have a chest of drawers, von be damned. the trip was worthwhile -- everything was going at half-price, but only cash-and-carry. the cash part was ok, the carrying part a bit more of a struggle, but i made it, and now my socks and underwear have a home. i even went back for a second trip for an ironing board ($3.22), a small round skillet ($1.40) and a crimson-and-black bean-stuffed pillow ($0.86) that had been disinfected to standards acceptable by whatever federal agency it is that governs these things.
oh, and WH was not free today so i got takeout chinese and my fortune read: "Your home is a pleasant place from which you draw happiness."
#21: Going to church. It actually does. I know you're skeptical. You. Yes, you.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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