Durham, NC
So, here we are.
Our flight yesterday from Bermuda nearly didn't get off the ground because of the winds, a fitting send-off if there ever was one. Announcements over the crackly intercom gave us a blow-by-blow of the little-jet-plane-that-could's attempts to land on the runway in the midst of the storm, feeding the incipient panic and pandering to the American, ESPN-sponsored addiction to commentaries about everything. Even walking out to the plane across the tarmac was quite an exercise in not getting blown away. Thankfully, all was well in the end and the only other mishap was that Simon forgot that he was supposed to pick me up from the airport which meant I had to call him and wait for an extra half-hour.
Oh, and the flight attendant on the Philly-Durham leg really cracked me up:
"This is your seatbelt...I don't know why they make me explain this to you, does anyone honestly not know how to put on a seatbelt? Hands up anyone who doesn't. OK, good, next..."
"In the event of an emergency landing, lights in the rows will guide you to your nearest emergency exit. Of course, nothing ever happens on my watch, I personally guarantee it, and the only time you'll get to see those lights is if the pilot turns the key the wrong way and stalls the plane on the runway, I promise you. If the cabin should depressurize while we're upstairs, oxygen masks will fall from above you. Even if I don't tell you this, you will grab them, I promise you. You will grab them."
And on landing:
"We hope you've enjoyed your flight with U.S. Air. Have a good day, and enjoy the rest of your life. Or, if you don't enjoy the rest of your life, I hope you're at least making a lot of money."
Heh. I officially love U.S. Air. I even got my luggage.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago