Day 47
Things I will miss about Bermuda:
* the ocean view from my window
* free flow of coffee and tea 24/7
* Sopranos marathons with Geordie and Nathan (and free wine)
* all other free alcohol, regardless of source
* Kelsey and her endless stories (alcohol-related and otherwise)
* the Railway Trail
* long, free afternoons
* the secondhand bookshop in Hamilton. Oh hell, and the rest of Hamilton too.
Things I will not miss about Bermuda:
* having to haul my laptop downstairs to download torrents
* Bobby the cat, Peppermint the rabbit, and that damn smelly dog
* dying of cold
* 4-hour labs
* sack lunches - I don't even want to hear about ham sandwiches for the next 3 months
* missing Duke games (grr...)
* two words: Environmental. Policy.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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