Sunday, July 05, 2009


since i'd hosted the thanksgiving dinner last year, i figured i may as well go the whole hog and host a 4th of july bbq as well. (with apologies to the brother -- you'd said you had plans. i thought of you!) there was a lot of meat, and a lot of beer, and nothing caught on fire that wasn't supposed to, and we managed to get a decent spot afterwards out on the parkway to watch the fireworks with sheryl crow* singing her 2 hits over and over again, so i count that as a success. speaking of the brother, i actually was going to say something rather similar to what he did, which is that independence day here is a lot more fun than back home, although ironically i often am a lot more drunk in the police state because i'm usually sitting in front of the tv downing shots of whiskey every time the ndp commentator says something from a list of pre-determined shibboleths. this is likely to be the plan this year as well, btw, so if anyone would like to join me in drinking to the clusterfuck that is our celebration of mediocrity and the destruction of the human spirit, you are more than welcome. i have a preference for jameson, but am open to suggestions.

* seriously, start naming sheryl crow songs now. despite how famous she obviously is, i defy you to name more than 5**. please don't e-mail me if you can.

** no, that one was by shania twain.

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