Saturday, July 18, 2009

in what may well be anti-climax of the decade, the other housemate moved out, and the brother moved in on thursday this week. this is a cause for minor celebration, as i (probably) no longer have to contend with crumbs/spills/unwashed dishes/stolen beer/unbagged trash etc etc. also, if you happen to be sharing a house with someone, please don't steal their beer. it's very uncouth. i hope one day to make a List Of Things That Are Fair Game When Put Into a Common Refrigerator: yogurt, bananas, carrot/celery sticks, etc. but NOT BEER. never beer. and especially not dogfish head aprihop.

in other news, i submitted, this week, a crossword to the LA Times, and my meta-analysis to psych bulletin. guess which possibility of acceptance i'm more excited about. (this is not a rhetorical question).

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