since all the hubbub of traveling and having visitors has come to an end, it's actually been sort of dull. jared and norah both graduated last month and i'm the only person left in the grad student room in the lab; i.e. having to deal with dead silence all day, every day. i think that starting from next week i'm just going to give up on the notion of going to lab entirely and work from home -- right now i'm mostly writing and preparing a few lectures, and i'd much rather do that eating honey nut cheerios in my underwear than suffering in the office. (yes. TMI.)
website of the day: cycorp, the most serious and scientifically-rigorous effort so far to create a true artificial intelligence. if you're interested at all in linguistics, semantics, cognitive psychology, computational modeling, neural nets or neurophilosophy (among the things i care to name), check it out. or, you could just be a dork and amuse yourself with the trivia game. i think one of my ultimate geek fantasies is to one day have the entire lexicon and semantic net of cyc uploaded into my brain, whereupon i'll be able to complete any crossword ever made in, like, 6.5 seconds.
and...i don't believe i actually admitted that on the internet.
*kills self*
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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