here's a problem. when i blog about work, i'm afraid that i'm going to be really boring, so i become flip, and skim the surface of issues, and generally do a piss-poor job of saying anything at all. on the other hand, i don't say a lot about what i do outside of work either, for a number of reasons. among them: while hanging out with friends at bars is fun, i didn't think that it made for magnificent entertainment for me to write about it on here; i don't feel that this is the place for movie reviews beyond the occasional "you may not have heard of this, go see it now"; i need more hobbies and more of a life anyway.
i've mulled over this for a while now, and looked a bunch of other regularly-updated blogs that i enjoy reading, and have reached the following conclusion: the only way to blog well is with gusto, and about everything, because, as i've always maintained, nothing is really uninteresting, there's just uninteresting writing, and i hope that if you've stuck with me for the umpteen years i've been writing on here that i at least pass that basic test. also, weirdly enough, i find that the periods of life when i've blogged the most are also the times when i've been inspired to do more interesting things, so that writing begets action which begets more writing (somewhere right now a therapist is penning a book about this).
so, that's the plan, and we'll see if it sticks. now, everybody go watch synecdoche, new york, it's the best movie that's come out this year.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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