I am discouraged by not being called for any interviews so far, but what is there to do but keep ones head held high and go on trying? The nasty thing, I suppose, is that the path towards self-despair is a little more direct for us, what with the good education and having suckled on the proverbial silver spoon. And in my particular case the temptation of course is to trot out the old jeremiads of Woe is Me Why Didn’t I Apply for a Scholarship/Accept the Place at Minnesota etc. But no, I shall desist.
After all, I guess I can’t complain about having all this free time. I peruse the Classifieds in the morning, send in an application when I can, then while away the afternoon with friends or just read/write over coffee and cake. Sooner or later, something good's bound to happen on the employment front. Nothing wrong with leaving tomorrow for tomorrow, right?
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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