- says choonping, and alas, it has yet again come to pass. i started yesterday as a temp in the psychological studies branch doing pointless research and getting paid an absolute pittance for it.
on the bright side:
- i guess that this propitiates my feelings of guilt over my idleness (though at what price?).
- choonping and eekia are there and there's nothing like shared suffering over lousy canteen food to lighten the load
- any salary from here on in is going to look good. and money, i suppose, is money.
- it's only for 2.5 months
on the not-so-bright side
- nie! jurong west! 3 hours of traveling every day!
- it feels yukky, and i'm sure it's is in some way damaging to my self-worth. 15 years of studying, and this.
- and other things. which i don't want to talk about now. i'll blog again later.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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