Tuesday, June 29, 2004

bad movie night

- was a weekly affair with rhythm and blue-ers/brownstonians in duke, and is something i thought i should resurrect in memory of knuth, whose wedding i most unfortunately can't attend. (sorry! anyone have $3000 or so to spare?) response from people i've brought it up to so far has been generally favorable, but i await a time when the house has slightly fewer people in it (i.e. when i can get the big television to myself for a night without the invasion of soccer-watching father or gamecube-playing siblings). notable screenings in the american version included:

- shark attack iii
- manos: hands of fate
- jesus christ, vampire hunter

all the ed woods will be done, of course, and the blob, and i have a semi-request for the buffy the vampire slayer movie which i am told is quite execrable. takers?

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