This bit, though the main point, is still rather trivial.
So anyway, the Ipod Mini, for those of you who aren't familiar with the product, comes in 5 different colors: blue, green, pink, silver and gold. They're all very nice shades: no gaudy flamingo pink or off-putting bile green. Rather than describe them all, just go take a look at them here
Now, the question, of course, once I had found an amicable seller, was what color I wanted. My first inclination was towards the blue. Blue, in general, suits me, and as far as accessorizing goes, it matches well with my Palm Zire and with colors in general. The more I looked at it, though, the less I liked it - it kind of reminds one of a toy (or worse still, the Nokia 2100/3100. Ugh.) The gold (which is really more like champagne), was very appealing, though it may possibly be perceived as quite obiang in some circles. Silver...feh. Too much like any other gadget out there (and again, easily mistakable for a handphone). Pink, as the Monty Python guys would say, is way out.
I wasn't very sold on the green at first, but the longer I stared at the brochure, the more enticing it seemed. It was kind of summery, not too overstated, but something clearly unique. The thought that Su-Lin would be pleased crossed my mind. I thought about it. I thought about it some more. I e-mailed they guy to ask him what colors he had, and he told me that he only had blue, green and silver left. Scratched out gold. Still hated the silver, so was left with blue and green.
Looked at the blue. Looked at the green. Looked at the blue. Looked at the green. Composed an e-mail to say that I wanted the blue, then deleted it and looked at the blue and the green some more. Blue. Green. Green. Blue. One fish two fish red fish blue fish. Went for a walk to admire the kaleidoscope of colors that exist in the world besides baby blue and apple green and then arrived home and contemplated the decision again.
Anyway, I'm sure you're heartily sick of this by now, so LONG STORY SHORT...I realize from this and other recent events that I am horribly, painfully indecisive. I never really realized that before. I always assumed that my tendency to pass the buck was because I was easy-going, but no! in actuality, I just can't make up my bloody mind. It's bad! And although I appreciate the Heaney and the Voight and all the people who try to justify procrastination and vacillation, this is something that must be stopped. Now. Can one make resolutions in the middle of the year?
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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