this entry is long and boring and probably not worth your while
~~ some months ago
me: you know mom, if you're thinking of a graduation gift/birthday present, i've been eyeing the apple ipods for quite a while now.
me: although, you know, if you feel it's too expensive or anything, that's ok, i understand.
(later still)
me: but surprise me.
~~ graduation day
no gift in evidence; instead, a card with a sufficiency of money within
(a) which, if you think in economic terms, actually maximises ones utility by putting one right on the consumption possibilities curve. did i get that right? it's been a long time since a level econ.
(b) in psychological terms, however, it places one in an immediate dilemma. choice breeds uncertainty! perhaps the parents did not, for some reason, intend for one to have an ipod. perhaps this is a subtle form of discouragement. an advocation of frugality. the card gives no indication of how the money is to be spent, no apology (for example: 'did not have time to go shopping'/'unsure of what model to buy'), nothing.
(c) j_____, i said to myself, you are overthinking things again.
~~ 11 days ago, California
trying to figure out what configuration of things to get. the 15GB model? comes without dock/carrying case/remote. 20GB? kind of expensive, and of the three extra things i only really need the case. none of them come with a usb cable. the numbers keep adding up.
~~ 9 days ago
shaun informs me that if we buy the thing in the berkeley store we get a 10% discount. we troop over there. the salesman gives me the pitch, and the wallet is halfway out the pocket before the proverbial spoke in the wheel makes its appearance. shaun starts asking about the ipod mini (4GB). the salesman shows us his. it is tiny, lighter than a handphone, and (although i hate the word) positively chic. if it were a drink, it would be a mimosa. two sips of it in a tiny glass flute. if it were an actor, it would have the body of michael anderson and the head of matthew broderick. if it were an analogy, it would be neither of the previous two, because they were indescribably bad.
~~ next 7 days
telephone calls:
circuit city
radio shack
every damn mac store within 100 miles of berkeley CA
online searches:
an ever-broadening hunt reveals:
no stock of ipod minis! anwyhere! in the continental united states!
(which has been the case for 2 months now)
(save for sketchy second-hand sellers obviously out to scam the inexperienced, and those who have jacked up the price to completely unaffordable levels)
(apparently, apple severly underestimated demand and are running one of the biggest backlogs in the history of manufacturing)
oh well, i think, i guess i'll just stick with the white 15GB model after all.
by pure luck, find a seller on half.com who was actually coming to berkeley (and selling at a price only slightly above retail value). shake (online) on the deal.
which brings me to the real point.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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