Tuesday, May 04, 2004

books, buying

Dilemma: I would like to have personal copies of -
- a complete set of Ishiguros (A Pale View Of Hills; The Unconsoled; The Remains of the Day; An Artist of The Floating World. Have I missed any? I already have When We Were Orphans at home)
- Life of Pi
- The Power and The Glory

- all of which I have read but know that I will want to re-read at some point in the (hopefully near) future, and most of which can be had new from half.com at 99 cents (plus shipping). The problem is that I'll have to have them sent over to California and will then be forced to lug them all over Europe, unless Shaun's mom will kindly acquiesce to bringing them back with her (awkward to ask. Are you reading this Dax?). Poor planning as usual. Isn't this such a Minz problem? I recall her complaining about something similar before visiting here.

Currently (re-)reading:
A History of The World in 10.5 Chapters - Julian Barnes. Von made me read this back in the salad days of Low Seng Eng and $2.50 ban mian and I've been through it about once every 2 or 3 years since then. I like it muy much.

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