Several of my classes have been cancelled over the last couple due to an exodus of grad students to Durham and Kirby-Smith not wanting to go out in a thunderstorm (which never actually happened). As one might expect, the spare time got filled in with (a) movies and (b) eating. On the movies front, 21 Grams is a film I can certainly recommend. Its Memento-like gimmick nearly does it in, but I thought that by the end it had delivered its message (mainly because of Benicio del Toro who has been brilliant in everything film he's been in to date). It was nice to see Clea Duvall again in between seasons of Carnivale, and Sean Penn managed not to annoy me as much as he sometimes does. (I Am Sam? What was he thinking?)
The Passion of the Christ sits on my computer making me feel guilty for having downloaded it (but what was I supposed to do? No one else wanted to go see it).
And...I am trying to get people together to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but if anyone has bad things to say about it please sound me a warning.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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