Blogging from public computer clusters really is one of my least favorite things, but I do have a half hour to kill so I'm going to take the plunge. The reason for my dislike isn't so much the lack of privacy as the unfamiliarity of the keyboard. It's one of those ergonomic deals and half the keys are further right than I expect them to be, resulting in such wonderful sentences as: "b;ppomg frp, [in;oc cp,[iter c;isters rea;;u os pme pf ,u ;east favprote tjomgs""
Anyway, the last of the exams ended this morning and there were cries of merdeka from the rooftops and the usual wild rejoicing before we started packing in earnest and getting ready to depart. We did a round robin of goodbyes, and then people dribbled away - Miranda, Anne and Kelly back to Wittenberg (where they will go on to the Bahamas where they're doing a summer program), Clay to a weekend at a friend's house, Lori to an internship in Ohio. Mamie and I made the boring 3 hour drive back to Duke (which was a 4 hour drive because of massive roadworks along 70) and mused about what lies Beyond, the usual suite of anxieties about all the tomorrows to come.
Am getting dinner with Han and staying his apartment until parents arrive (and I get to sleep in a bed again. And eat food. God I'm poor.) so I'm sure the travel blues will have sorted themselves out by then, good company being the remedy for those, in my experience. Also very pleased with birthday present (thank you Justin!) and for FINALLY receiving the by now mythic pineapple tarts (and other goodies) which are not at all moldy and quite tasty (thank you Minz!). And another copy of Penelope Fitzgerald which means that I now not only have more books than I care to be hauling around with me but doubles. Nonetheless, I am pleased, yes indeed.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago