It is actually rather comforting to be able to write here. I wonder why. Even one-way communication into the void of cyberspace appears to be better than solipsistic silence.
Did not mention this earlier: all 6 coursemates are girls. Mamie, Ann, Laurie, Clay, Kelly and Miranda. Fun bunch in general, although male companionship would have been appreciated.
Introductory lectures in the morning, then a free afternoon spent exploring Horseshoe Bay and surrounding areas. The shores here are quite literally wind-swept, and the paths sometimes treacherous. We went into and around several of the 17th/18th c. forts built to defend Bermuda in colonial times, now dark, crumbling, and full of broken beer bottles and graffitti crying out for the legalization of ganja. A quiet late afternoon, before euchre in the evening while the rooms grew steadily colder. There isn't any heating (or air-conditioning) here, and the portable heater that was doled out to me gave up the ghost almost as soon as I turned it on. Will say it again: do not understand how this place is such an icebox. Weekend forecast: gale-force winds.
Mango chutney
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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