Day 10
Telephone conversation with Dr. Angus MacDonald:
hello...hello...can i speak to j______ please...speaking...angus macdonald here...nice to talk to you at last...enjoying bermuda?...yes, but it's a little cold...not as bad as minnesota i bet...high of degrees...etc. small face-to-face interviews, thus this conversation...invitation extended to all those accepted in march...look around the campus, meet the people, feel for the program etc...kind of research we do...schizophrenia...collaborative efforts with cognitive neuroscientists, genetics labs, twin studies etc....physiological markers of psychopathology...why did you apply to a clinical program seeing as your focus in duke was research...fumble...hedge...want to give something tangible to society...where i envisage myself is it the methodology that drives you or the interest in clinical work...fumble...oh, definitely fMRI is my passion...forefront of scientific discovery...where all the most exciting findings are being much more to learn...etc...coupling of my interests...not a whole lot of opportunity to work with patients at Duke...('disordered individuals'? why did i call them that...note to self: learn how to talk)...funding...full funding even for international students...blah blah have much potential as a me again if you want to chat/ask about anything...blah dee blah...have a good semester...exciting decisions in the next few months...bye...bye.
$0.58 a minute * 25 minutes = quite a lot of money put out by Minnesota for that one call.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago