Day 9
Our first field trip was slated for today, but 60 kph hour winds off shore unfortunately put paid to those plans. The alternate trip to the more sheltered Concrete Bay also fell through when the storm landed ashore; as a matter of fact, as I type this, the computer lab is slowly flooding with water, and the palm trees outside sound like they are in danger of being blown entirely away. Much as I hate to fixate on the weather, that's what has dictated the activities of this course so far. Because of our confinement, we have likened ourselves to a retirement community, and the metaphor grows increasingly apt.
Marine Invertebrate Zoology is turning out to be quite a lot to handle. The course proceeds at twice the pace that a normal course would at Duke (since we're only here half a semester), and every other word in our notes is something that I don't have in my scientific vocabulary. Do I really care if this microscopic organism is an pseudo-coelomate deuterostome? I suppose, though, that hard years of taking the 'O' and 'A' levels have trained me to be able to acquire an interest in anything if I try hard enough; also, I do have a long history of fooling myself, so what's one more semester?
In other news, Miranda and Kelly have got themselves hooked on this Cindy Crawford workout video, a video which reportedly has zero value as for one seeking to improve aerobic fitness because the camera is always trained on either (a) Cindy's ass, or (b) Cindy's boobs. The Chinese takeaway sells fried rice for $10.50. Bermuda has more televisions on the island than people, yet the newest television in the BBSR is older than than all of us. George Bush is an idiot. CBS is a money-grubbing network, but I know I'm going to tune in anyway. That is all.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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