Just when the weather seems to be getting warmer, the forecast for the next three days says that there's going to be snow. I'm finding it a little hard to believe. It was 60 degrees outside today. I was just about to put away my thick coat.
There's no time for anything anymore. Work - 5 hours; Lab report - 3 hours (and a total disaster this was as well; couldn't finish it because we didn't understand how on earth to get the computer program to work right); Take-home midterm - 3 hours, and here I am at 1 in the morning wondering where the day went. And this on a day with no classes. I guess it was partly because I didn't get stuff done over the weekend, but that wasn't entirely my fault either.
Why I am complaining about this here? I think I'm going to take a different tack entirely from now on. There's too much truth and banality written down here. I think some fabrication is necessary to keep us all on our toes. Who wants to hear about the weather or my homework anyway? Everyone knows about the proverbial lives of quiet desperation already.
Wanted snow crab legs, but didn't have time. Next week.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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