's been a while. Laziness becomes me.
I got my letter from the marine lab today saying that they've accepted me for the summer course and that they want a $150 deposit to confirm my place. Problem is the deposit is non-refundable and I won't know whether they're giving me a scholarship until April 1st. Blech. Now I have to haul myself down to the Bursar's office and ask them what they make of that. They'd better be helpful. On top of that, the course that I wanted to do (Marine Oceanography) isn't being offered this summer. I've ended up with my second choice (Marine Invertebrate Zoology), which is not exactly what I wanted to do.
I found this great new file sharing device. It's called bit torrent, which you can download here. It's really fast, which is great, but what's even better is that this website posts torrent files of TV shows before they even air on TV. It's the ultimate in spoiler technology. Get broadband! Tell your friends! Don't let the megacorporations win their war!
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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