Tuesday, May 12, 2009

lazed around in the morning playing online bridge with justin, finished the nyt crossword in 3:50 (yes!), then went to meet thomas at mizu for lunch. tom finished his major areas only to be dropped right into matlab hell by his advisor, so i'm thankful that mine often forgets that i exist. he's also trying to sell an out-of-tune grand piano for $550, cash-and-carry, so if you're in the market, act now!

am consciously taking time off because i was in the lab the entire weekend grading exams. never thought much about this when i was an undergrad, but grading errors on final exams don't get picked up because students generally don't get to see their scripts, and i'm 100% sure that there are at least a couple of errors (probably clerical) somewhere in the monstrous stack of 237 papers on my desk. i suppose it's just ill fortune if that happens to be you; you know what they say about Time and Chance. also, dear BBB, thanks for not giving me any money this semester to hire graders/proctors. you guys are a******s.

incid: ran a reliability analysis on the midterm/final grades. r = .372, p < .001, fwiw.

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