the sun is out, and spring is here, and the undergrads are having their annual festival of debauchery. from what i've gleaned from the student newspaper, the key ingredients of said debauchery are bouncy castles, fried oreos, and drinking nonstop for 72 hours.

man, was my life that good when i was 19? (hint: no.) in case you think i'm exaggerating as usual: i was walking towards the gym to get a thing of sesame chicken for lunch when this hulk AEÎ guy comes up behind me on his cellphone all 'have you started drinking yet? DUDE?' and nearly bowls me into the street. there's no beating them, but there is joining them, as (weird)nick apparently plans to do. the second year of grad school really is a belated honeymoon. for some people, anyway. oh, and despite what you might take away from reading the '03'-04 entries on this blog, i didn't really drink all that much as an undergrad, and certainly never during the daylight hours, even during our equivalent thing with the bouncy castles. well, i lie. there was this one time which some of you know about -- the day before i was going to fly home for christmas in '03 (i think) when it starting snowing, and we had "leftover" tequila and schnapps and started making snow margaritas, which is apparently quite a good way to contract a fatal bacterial infection.
8 days to go.
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