today was long -- too long -- and i didn't get half of what i wanted to do done. the proofs of my paper arrived yesterday and i found 5 typos in it on my first pass through that were clearly not in my original MS. aren't they supposed to just copy and paste the text into pagemaker, or whatever it is they use nowadays? maybe von with his copy-editing experience can enlighten me on what happens. anyway, i didn't have time for a second run-through, and my stupid budget information hasn't been done yet, and i would have done reading for class except that i got sucked into a bridge book that arrived for me in the mail and didn't. yes, i'm criminal. by mid-afternoon the rain was coming down in sheets, and hilary and alyson and i were stuck in the GSC contemplating pontenging sara's seminar on gender development (zzzzz). the girls' ivy league sense of honor or whatever got the better of them however (bloody harvard), so we dashed helter-skelter down locust walk and dripped into class and i covertly did the new york times crossword while people discussed bandura and transsexuals.
it should have been over after that, but there was beer sem*, and i felt a moral responsibility to listen to what some other people are doing for their first year projects. incredible, groundbreaking work seems to be the answer to that one -- not just that, but research that is interesting and thought-provoking and relevant and a bunch of other things that i'm mortally afraid that my work is not.
* yes, beer sem is a seminar. with beer.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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