-- started with me being in clerical hell and sticking staples into myself as i attempted to collate >1500 pages of documentation into 18 neatly organized packages. was rescued by one of the kindly senior lab administrators, who informed me that we pay undergrads and work-study students to do that kind of thing. aha. i was reminded of the conversation i had with hilary the other day -- i was telling her in a wistful, semi-serious sort of a way that i wouldn't mind having an undergrad to do my fmri preprocessing for me, and she was all: why not? you should ask your advisor. i have an assistant. and i was like: oh!, and she was like, yeah, we're real people now! which was funny, but also a little true, and a little scary.
anyway, during clerical hell, a. came online for a while and was sympathetic, minz came online and was not, and then i had to run away to a terribly disorganized meeting, then to stats, which was good today, and funny. grabbed soup and ran back to the lab. all along locust walk were people harassing other people to VOTE BOB CASEY, and BE A RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN, and so on. both casey and rick santorum are kind of feh, but in any case, judging from the circus american politics has turned into the whole world is probably going to hell in a handbasket fairly soon, so who really cares?
edited an 11-page subject screening questionnaire, then dashed back to class and was comatose for about two hours while everyone else discussed infant-caregiver attachment. checked the results (nothing to see yet), went to fresh grocer, bought cranberry sauce, and then home to do laundry and reading and pray for the american map to light up blue, blue, blue.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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