Saturday, August 12, 2006

thursday was my last day at work. now that i've gone through three jobs in two years, i can say with some confidence that the novelty of last days does not wear thin easily. quit your jobs! because scientists are stingy bastards compared to HR executives, or because the folks in [that place] just liked me better, or something, there were no lavish celebrations, just bak kut teh and well-wishes. i think the 'something' is that people in our lab feel that the tentacular influence of our boss over continents and ages means that no one truly leaves, that this is not so much 'farewell' as 'how soon will you be recalled?'. which is comforting if you think of ex-colleagues as useful connections, and horrifying if you consider the situation from any other angle. i am addicted to clean slates. as one gets older, one finds that they get less and less desirable, and harder and harder to obtain.

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