(-- where the brother and i went last night after waiting in vain for a table at bakerzin. it's $4.50 for a single scoop and $6.70 for a double, prices i would pay for no flavour other than midnight cookies and cream, the only sin that justifies such extravagance.)
(this, btw, was a fairly extended discussion which i condense for clarity:)
me: so can i get a double scoop and have you split them into 2 extra cups?
counter guy: sure!
[cashier then proceeds to try and charge me for 2 single scoops]
me: no, i don't want two single scoops, i want a double scoop in 2 cups.
cashier: i'm afraid we can't do that
me: well can i just get a double scoop and pay for an extra cup then?
cashier: i have to ask my manager.
me: you can even have the wafer back.
cashier: i have to ask my manager.
me: this is not that hard. i want you to sell me a double scoop and an extra cup (subtext: which costs you 0.24 cents to make)
cashier: i have to ask my manager.
[manager arrives]
me: i want to get two scoops, in two cups, and be charged for a double scoop
manager: i'm sorry, we can't do that.
me: well, that's ok, because now i'm not going to get any scoops. goodbye.
i really don't understand why this is such a constant problem in this damn country -- i mean, i'm not much of a businessman, but let's think about this for a second.
Option #1: Sell the customer what he wants at the same fucking inflated price you would have originally, minus the cost of a paper cup, or
Option #2: Make no money at all.
now, i know what i would choose, but who knows, maybe there's some top secret sales strategy they teach you in nus business school that the rest of us just don't know about.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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