the woman sitting opposite me is very strange. she has an infant son (or so i gather), and she makes phone calls to her maid (?) once or twice an hour to check on every last detail of the baby's life (has he had his bath? have you fed him? don't overfeed him! is he asleep? is he awake? is he still coughing?). slightly more disturbingly, she also makes calls about once a day to what i can only guess is a pediatrician or a child psychologist to talk about her son's "night terrors" (he wakes up in the night crying and screaming. having done a whatever degree in psychology i guess she has diagnosed him herself. don't all babies wake up crying, though?) from what i can tell of the conversations, i imagine that the professional on the other end keeps telling her not to worry and to "rub medicated oil" on the child or something, but she keeps calling him anyway. ("they're getting worse! is he going to die?") i don't know. if she's so concerned about him, shouldn't she be on maternity leave or something? i'm extremely puzzled.
Currently reading:
The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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