I lost my gloves, so it seems the dire predictions have come true. The screaming may now commence. In my defense though, I must say that they're really silly items of clothing. You have to take them off indoors, and there's really no sensible place to put them while you're fiddling around with other things. They're like umbrellas. You come in out of the rain, your umbrella is sopping wet, and there really isn't anything you can do with it except hang it on a chair or prop it up against something, and there you go, it's forgotten. They should make umbrellas/gloves with sensors and a device that you can put in your pocket that beeps when it's beyond a certain range of the thing you're trying not to lose. Or something...anything, I swear that the sole reason the umbrella industry is burgeoning is because our family keeps misplacing them, and if we lived in a temperate country, I would say the same of the people who make gloves.
Damn it.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago