Difficulty: *****/5
Yea, do not try this at home.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken. ~~ The Odyssey, Homer
[b]Christian Louboutin[/b] is a French footwear architect whose footwear has incorporated glassy, red-lacquered soles that include become his signature.
Louboutin helped bring about stilettos aid into fashion in the 1990s and 2000s, machiavellian dozens of styles with rogue heights of 120mm (4.72 inches) and higher. The deviser's purported purpose has been to "make a run for it a lady look sexy, charming, to make her legs look as prolonged as [he] can." While he does put up for sale some lower-heeled styles, Louboutin is normally associated with his dressier evening-wear designs incorporating jeweled straps, bows, feathers, obvious leather, red soles and other nearly the same decorative touches. He is most universally known in favour of his red-bottom intoxicated stump shoes, commonly referred to as "sammy red-bottoms." Christian Louboutin's red-bottom ensign cryptogram is registered as Pantone 18-663 TPX.
Consideration being known in the service of his celebrity clients, he scarcely ever gives shoes away – present discounts a substitute alternatively to his high-profile fans. This policy also extends to his personal family, because he feels that giving shoes away as gifts is unimaginative.
His pick biggest client is Danielle Bite the bullet, who is rumoured to own across 6,000 pairs and is known to would rather purchased up 80 pairs at a lifetime when shopping at his stores.
(с) [url=http://clououtlet.com]Christian Louboutin[/url]
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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Здравствуйте. Посоветуйте, пожалуйста. Я замужем полтора года. Детей пока нет, но мы оба очень хотим. Обратились ко врачу, у меня всё отлично, у него не идеально, но вполне нормальный результат. А беременности всё нет ( была одна, закончилась выкидышем на 1 месяце). Мне приходится бегать ко врачу, принимать лекарства и делать искусственное оплодотворение (первая беременность была в результате искусственного опрлодотворения). При этом мне всё-таки кажется, что я могла бы вполне забеременеть естесственным путём, если бы у нас был более частый секс, чем 1 раз в 7-10 дней. Муж считает, что частый секс ужудшает качество спермы. Как быть? Как тактично сказать о том, что у нас слишком мало секса? Я как-то не могу об этом говорить влоб, ведь унизительно выпрашивать секс у мужа...Как быть?
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