Tuesday, January 04, 2011

i am slightly embarrassed to admit that i'm addicted to angry birds.


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Joel Lee said...

Hi, I apologise for leaving a comment on your page like this. I couldn't find an email address to write to.

I found your blog through searching the term "Low Seng Eng". I believe that you, like me, have been touched by her skills and caring as a teacher. She taught me in the mid-80s and has been a tremendous influence on me.

We were in touch for a while and then she then she disappeared. I would like very much to get in contact with her. In fact, it is quite important that I do.

Do you know how to contact her? Or someone else who might?

My name is Joel and I can be reached joellee@nus.edu.sg.

Cheers and thanks in advance.

Joel LEE

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