have been in a foul mood for a while now, and i feel like it might help if i articulate why. triggers: jorge cham (of phdcomics) came to give a talk last week, and it was funny, but also quite painful, in the way that people who work in cubicles tell me that they can't bear to watch the office or read dilbert -- there was one bit where he goes on about calling old friends and finding out they have career/family/car/house/savings while you're sitting in lab at 10 pm eating ramen, and as i said to many of you before i even set foot in philly, my greatest fear in coming was that things would never again be as they were, that everyone would move on to a new stage of life leaving me alone, in the dark. anyway, that touched a nerve, and then reeves starts sending thousands of emails about humanz alumni things, which would have been nice except that it brought into stark relief the fact that yes, everyone else does have career/family/car/house/savings, and are doing nice normal things while i beaver away at my fucking horrible research that literally no one on this earth cares about, even me.
i think what it comes down to is this: there is no privilege in being a grad student, we're not heroes or martyrs, just people who have voluntarily cast ourselves into a no-status position for 5+ (+?) years in a quite-possibly-lunatic act of delayed gratification. and everything we tell ourselves during those five years is just a lie, cognitive anandamide so that we can get out of bed each day and go to lab and sit down and actually work instead of having our heads burst like grapes, but that's what it is: a lie, because there is no salvation in this until i'm sitting in my office, and "PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR" is printed under my nameplate, and my degree is hanging, framed, on the wall. until then, the dice are still in the air, and they may come down snake-eyes, and friends will whisper under their breath in smoky bars about birds in the bush, and applying 20/20 hindsight, and watching the wreckage of my existence like that girl everyone's talking about who got dumped on The Bachelor.
but what choice but to go on lying, thinking the good thoughts -- at least; at least -- and in that way get through another week, another year. it's easier when you first get here; there's the glow of being accepted, of feeling like you might actually matter. but really, you don't, you're just playing the game a different way, taking your best shot like everyone else, trying to remain intact and upright at the end of the day so you can face another one.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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