social psych went all the way till 7:30, by which time everyone decided that they had had it for the week. (that the undergrads were fleeing town en masse for spring break was also a contributing factor). we converged on lolita, a mexican BYOT, the T in question being tequila, of course, though not patrĂ³n as jokingly promised (boo!). there were people at the table who were not psych grad students, so the rule was instituted early that talking shop = take a shot, which led to people becoming very drunk very fast. weirdest penalty of the night given out for: "barry manilow t-shirt" (if you can tell me where that came from without googling it you get a prize the next time i see you). lolita has really good food, although in retrospect i would not have ordered the pechuga de pato (fried plantains, jicana-radish slaw), which was not really what i wanted. (steak would hve hit the spot.) the appetizers were superb: orange-ginger glazed carnitas with guacamole and pico de gallo, a soupy thing with chicken and huitlacoche (sort of like a stringy xue er), and warm, exceedingly fresh tortilla chips.
we went to a rather pathetic pyb after that, and i got the hiccups, and people starting dancing spastically. there was a live band, and they were alright until "don't stop believing", at which time i had decided that even $1 beer wasn't going to keep me there, and that i had better be reasonably sober to do my mri scans, which i discovered to my alarm were about 6 hours away. the housemate and rebecca and i escaped in a cab, and r. taught me the BEST TRICK EVER to get rid of hiccups, which is concentrate on getting your pinky fingers as close together as possible without letting them touch. and then it was 2, and then i had to get up, and i did my stupid experiment hung over, though fortunately no one noticed.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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