in the morning, i wrapped glasses in newspaper, one by one, and picked up all the dead flies from my windowsill, and stubbed my toe several times. i replied to a lot of e-mail (i don't know why, but everyone seems to want you when you're on a plane and completely unreachable). i discovered to my disgust that TA training (29th - 31st) is not strictly compulsory, but that the professor of the class i'm teaching insists we go anyway.
i went to see the new house. it was madness inside -- a confusion of debris and tools and soda bottles and spackle, and our contractor screaming and screaming, and it's a week (less!) till everyone moves in. i'm given to understand that renovations are like that, sort of in the style of cp's cooking, where everything looks like it's going to explode until about three minutes before dinner, at which point perfect duck a l'orange appears out of seeming nowhere, and so i shall be encouraging and gently goading and generally hopeful. the other housemate came by to take some measurements for his room, and he seemed completely unperturbed by the chaos, which is either affirming or means he trusts me too much.
otherwise: it's very hot, and i'm terribly jet-lagged and putting caffeine into my system in unhealthy amounts. sleep is not for the weak, but this is one time i can't give in; tomorrow is furniture and a billion phone calls, and i have to finish making all the figures for my paper before monday or face the advisor's fiery wrath. it's going to be rough.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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