1. his name was vincent
2. flight a bildungsroman?? that's stretching it just a little, don't you think? i mean, as someone acknowledged himself just the other day, it was mostly an excuse for said someone to get people to take their clothes off. on stage
3. as for bloodshed, probably.
4. interesting sidebars about five people sitting round a table arguing (whole title spelled out so that industrious people googling this name in the future when i'm rich and famous will be rewarded) --
a) my memory may be failing me, but i actually do think we wrote and edited the entire play in a matter of days. however, i do also quite vividly recall von's copy of the script which was so thick with cancellations and notes in the margin that you could barely see the printed lines, which means that what you saw on stage in '95 may have little or no similarity to anything that gets printed in the future.
b) the play-within-a-play does exist. it was, in fact, my original submission for drama feste script, a piece of writing that sucked so hard that i nearly left school immediately after producing it to go look for work as a writer for daytime soaps.
c) it was not autobiographical. i think it was called the dying of the light. god, it sucked. excuse me while i go and throw up.
d) we actually did have numerous discussions about how the original play should end, some of them not dissimilar to the ones that ended up in five people. i must thank ms. low, by the way, for being nurturing and kind through all of that ridiculousness and allowing us to come to the conclusion that our original script should be trashed on our own. now that's education, folks. vygotsky would have been proud.
5. and yes, it is just like old times. ah, old times, how we have missed thee.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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