i've been working two jobs since last week - someone from nie asked if i would help out on a project for a few months and the money was hard to resist. i think this is the first time in my life that i've done something purely for the sake of money - i feel no love whatsoever for the job (and the-place-that-cannot-be-named doesn't count because at least 2.8% of the reason i was there was to keep nagging parents off my case).
anyway, i think that with this endeavour i have at last crossed back over the line that marks out three standard deviations from center - seriously, how many people in singapore aren't motivated by money when searching for work? when i'm working on this project, all that's on my mind is what the extra dough is going to buy me next month (clothes. it's been a long time.), and i'm pleased, pleased as a puppy in a beanbag, that after all these years of high-falutin ideals i'm getting to indulge in just a tiny bit of normal greed.
Currently reading:
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke (Sorry JY. It was in the library, and I couldn't wait for your scheme to come to fruition.)
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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