last night: after getting conned (once more) at alley bar with cp and cp's friend and jianyi, we ended up walking through oxley road to en japanese dining bar down mhmd. sultan, where we ordered half the menu and two bottles of sake and settled in to converse about possible holiday destinations and whether or not i'm a civil servant (i'm not). on the former: it seems that a bunch of us are interested in cambodia/vietnam. whether or not this is actually going to happen remains to be seen -- taking leave is a trickier affair than i imagined before i started working. office politics can really stomp on your vacation plans.
(i didn't even get to go to japan because of quitting the-place-which-can't-be-named. not that i'm really complaining)
by the way, the food in en is really spectacular -- go for the okinawan dishes, particularly the pork belly which has about twice as much fat as lean. what's that you say? well at least i'll die happy.
Currently reading:
Aloft - Chang Rae Lee
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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