had to leave the house even earlier than usual to get to work on time because the car is being serviced. also: took a chlorpheniramine because my allergies were being naughty. lesson to be learned: do not take soporific medication when already running a sleep deficit from nights prior.
the weekend was unremarkable. saturday was all aborted plans with various groups of people, leaving only my dad for company. watched sean penn and nicole kidman somnambulate their way through one of the most laborious scripts since thirteen days -- someone really needs to take all the frederick forsyths/tom clancys/clive cusslers of the world and throw them into a vat of molten lead. sunday evening: dinner for su-lin's birthday, which really was just one of our normal let's-get-together-and-bitch-about-the-universe things (sorry darling!) that look destined to keep happening till we're all old and grey and full of sleep. (mmm...sleep)
i need to get into more interesting things on weekends -- and this is no specific reference to yesterday being bad or boring, just a general observation. shall we do a short trip? there are two long weekends coming up. jiahao says that he'll sign up for the big walk with me if he's not on call on may 22nd, and anyone reading this is absolutely invited to come along.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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