there is a certain prescribed order for how this has to go. i am ready to move on to the next stage: philanthropy. following that, crime.
Currently reading:
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken. ~~ The Odyssey, Homer
Say, for instance, two guys want to drag Taylor Figueroa to Mexico right away. One brings her roses, and says he has this plan to go to Mexico, and would she like to come along. The other dude turns up with a quart of tequila, a joint, and two tickets to the border. He doesn't show her the tickets right away, but says, 'I have hours to live - help me kill the pain.' He gets her wasted in three minutes flat, sucks her tonsils out of her throat, then pulls out the tickets and says, 'Ten minutes till the cops arrive and take you in as an accessory - let's jam.' Which one does she go with? You know the fucken answer, I don't have to tell you. And let me say, it ain't all on account of one being nice, and one being a slimeball. It's because one of them knew she would come. As Americans, we know this to be true. We invented fucken assertiveness, for chrissakes. But in amongst all the books and tapes, in between that whole assertiveness industry - and I don't mean how to fast-talk people, and increase sales and shit, like that's a whole other industry on its own, I mean the industry where you end up knowing like day is day that something's going to happen for you - you never once hear how to actually fucken do it. Like, for my money, just thinking positive doesn't cut the ice at all. I've been thinking positive all year, and fucken look at me now. My ole lady thinks a new refrigerator will turn up on her doorstep, but you ain't seen the fucker yet.
Please keep Channel i
I was shocked to find out about the media merger.
I have been a supporter of MediaWorks and Straits Times TV since they started operations. I find the shows on MediaWorks to be of more substance that its rival's (ugh). It feels funny to know that these two media giants are merging all of a sudden.
Though there are a number of English channels, they cater to different people: Channel 5 (masses)(!!), Kids/Arts Central (children and arts enthusiasts) and Channel News Asia (people interested in the news)(no way).
As for TV mobile, it is strictly not a channel as it features live shows such as Singapore Idol, soccer matches and charity shows, or repeats of programmes.
This being so, is it not possible to have one more channel catering to the masses?
We were trated to a minute or two of coughing, sneezing, nose blowing and general uneasiness among the congregation once Reverend Wilkinson had returned to his chair, and following some elaborate arm waving between Mrs. Rollie Cobb at the front of the chapel and Miss Fay Dull at the back of it Mrs. Cobb got herself properly set and anchored at the piano and then assaulted the keyboard but with such limited success that she had to break off and start in again and the second time around she got underway in fairly good form. However, Mrs. Cobb commenced to put a little pace on the melody directly and it became so frantic with embellishments and excesses that Miss Fay Dull had a difficult time cueing the sopranos and the altos, which was all she could cue since the baritones were still outside on the landing and could not see her from there. So the sopranos and the altos simply jumped aboard at the first available chink in the tune and the baritones waded in shortly thereafter and they all managed to draw together presently into what sounded very much like singing. This particular selection called for a solo and Miss Fay Dull had nominated herself, so once she choked off the competition to her satisfaction she made a fine entrance into the melody and brawled with it all the way to the refrain where the rest of the choir showed up to help her vanquish it entirely. Then they all sang together for a couple of bars before things got a little uptown in the middle and called for the baritones and sopranos to bark back and forth at each other while Miss Dull trilled away between and underneath them and Mrs. ROllie Cobb bludegeoned the whole business with some rather ponderous fingerwork. We were entrained in this fashion for what seemed an inconsiderately lengthy spell and by the time the melody began to shut down, the whole business had turned into a kind of slilgfest for soprano, choir and Seventh Day Adventist and we were pretty much relieved to see the animosities brought to a close, especially Daddy whose ears had become as red as firecoals