Auditions till 3 a.m. for past 2 nights. Aaargh!
My "philosophy of biology" professor yelled at someone in class yesterday. We were discussing evolution and natural selection and its inherent incompatibility with theistic beliefs (i.e. that the randomness of evolution precludes the idea of intelligent design). This girl in the front of the room starts getting riled up and asks the professor who he is to say what God can and cannot do, and then the professor gets mad and yells at her for being rude and using the class as a forum to air her religious views. Then he holds her back after the class to yell at her some more, which prompts one of my other friends to drop the class in the afternoon. (I'm sure Chris would not have been pleased if he had been there).
I'm rather confused as to who was in the right in that particular situation...but I do see the professor's point: that he is merely reporting what people before us have carefully reasoned out. More and more, I'm beginning to think that defensiveness in that kind of situation is an indication of an insecurity in one's faith. I mean, it's not as if God is going to be blown down like a house of cards by an academic discussion, and it's not as if we can't think and decide for ourselves when it comes to what we want to belive in. Blinding yourself or misrepresenting the facts isn't exactly very helpful.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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