2000 words on melatonin. Bleah. Could I really care less?
I have relinquished control of the pigeons, so it's all mice for a while. I tried playing with one a bit today and it ran onto my shoulder and planted itself there and I couldn't pull it off. That was rather troublesome because I was afraid that it might panic and jump to its death at any moment, which would have been rather inconvenient to explain to Dr. Buhusi. I'm awfully glad there was no one around to see me because I must have looked like quite a clown standing there trying to coax the thing back onto my hand. Anyway, it cooperated in the end, and from now on I'll remember that they're not as docile as Hamstee used to be. Lesson learned.
The war is all that's on the television. Those American POWs really look like they don't want to be where they are. They have those expressions reserved for army guys who know a SNAFU when they see one. I know that look.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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